There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, learn from what you see and read. However, PREC offers these links and pages without endorsement or approval. Responsibility for content lies with their authors and publishers.
This is a platform for independent voices. They speak for themselves and ask us to listen and think.
Try this and see what you think! It's an international website that tells us it is a resource for Community, Conversation and Change. Prepare to be both informed and challenged!
Check out this great video written and narrated by Gary Huskisson. It brings to life the 'Windrush' experience of arriving in Britain, and the hopes and fears which came with them. Gary, the son of a Windrush arrival, has created a brilliant evocation of Afro-Caribbean culture and society.
Gary kindly wrote this poem for the PREC research project
For the City's Sake!
Young Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Voices from Peterborough
Gen Z
Our backpack has travelled via many cities
It reaches many destinations, regions countries and continents
To be planted here in my city of dreams
We want more than to be safe and green
When you open our backpack it is full of artefacts
And treasures that glow
To the beat to the city
Each pulse is a new chapter of new memory
In this vibrant community,
With more colours than in the rainbow
I maybe Asian , Caribbean or even Eastern European,
This is our city to settle in,
Our parents , our ancestors and forefathers arrived here to blossom ,
Sowing a seed, to build a family
Sealing everlasting love in holy matrimony
To grow, to nurture this community,
Where its free to kneel, to read the bible,
Set the Sat-Nav to the East,
Point my Mat, that way
Free to Pray
The Cross Keys unlock the city gates
The Medehamsted Gates majestically open
to all,
Our branded backpack didn’t arrive in these wetlands
For benefits and to queue for a bed at the NHS
We are here to give Boro, our Best
Is time to look inside to the future,
Acknowledging the past in the side mirrors ,
Wearing my baseball cap
With the front at the back
Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre
Looking inside The Weight
There is exquisite recipes and tea
So we can have a garden party with the Queen
We can stand up and be, anything you want to be
There are Polaroid’s of my family
My skin of my community,
Your 900-year-old city
Look inside the 15 miles of parkway,
Embrace yourself, your senses,
Smell, touch, hear and See
The treasures that lie in our city
There is bright clothes and shoes to match
Family heirlooms that accessorize my life,
Scrap books and cuttings black and white and read all over
Music and dance that celebrate my culture
For the city sake we all need to work together
Open the city gates and trudge through the Fen Marshes
Like a phoenix The Tablets of Gen Z
Rises out Nene Park bushes
Our voices
Our words,
Scorched on tablets
From CO2 gases
infused by tractor engines
and the aroma of global dishes ,
Here us in our daily podcast’s
Our pledge, our statutory amendments are
downloaded via silicon Chips in Megabytes
In distinguished colours ,
Only 21st Century luddites
would fail to listen.
Turn up the volume on your hearing aids;
For our citys sake, comprehend our mission
This bigger than any inauguration
For the Gen Z generation .
We will be your carers,
Your preachers, teachers and your leaders
Don’t just hear us,
Believe us, empower us
We are the offspring of the virus
Have faith in us
This is the future
A Time to build our community together ,
We have the power to heal ,
To eradicate hate
In a brave new world
Gen Z are able to communicate
For the City’s Sake, please read and listen.
'Apologise for the 90's'
by Rohan Samuel
Donald Brown is a black sculptor and has been for 40 years! He speaks in this video of how he became a professional artist and what it means to him ... and so should mean something to all of us!
Loss of Humanity at the Hands of Barbarity
A man
A tall man
A dark man
A handsome man
A tall, dark, handsome man
The sought-after requisite for a man by every society
A tall, dark, handsome, black man
The blackness, a stamp by birth
The definitive for prejudice, discrimination, injustice and bigotry
The world an oyster for the white man, a tragic mirage for the black
This pre-birth bigotry is not an act of injustice by the Creator of mankind and the universe
This is but the incessant need for the white man to be in charge
To be in control, to decide the in-group and the out
The black man, the Mexican, the Irish man, the Red Indian and the Muslim
Outcasts, shunned for their race, their faith, their origin
Not to be included within the circles of humaneship
A tall, dark, handsome, black man
Pinned to the ground, like a boarhound, by the white man
As if this was the first prize for his savagery
Superiority racing through the blood of this beast
The glint in the eyes sparkling its victory
The venom dug knee onto the jugular, blazing hatred in the heart
Wishing, one by one this breed comes to an end
This smugness, this superiority at the hands of two other helpful minions
You daren’t duel him to a battle one-on-one
You hide behind your uniform and the badge
You feel confident, complacent and secure
Your ardent belief in your institution to keep you safe from retribution
Humanity is the breath in this man’s lungs
Humanity is the blood coursing through his veins
Humanity is the grown man’s cry for his mother when in pain
Humanity is the nose bleeding and the bladder leaking
Humanity is the man losing his pulse under so much strain
Humanity was this man’s heart beating like yours and mine
Barbarian is the white man sucking the life out of humanity
If the in-group is composed of barbaric thugs and cold-blooded murderers
I most gladly choose to be the outcast
This black man was named George Floyd
This black man is the shaking of your safe haven, your institution
This black man is the new revolution
This black man represents all institutionalised outcasts
George Floyd
The black man
Is your undoing!
Sameena Aziz Yaqoob
From the gorgeous cornrows that you wear
Your inspiring presence is felt everywhere
Opera, Serena, Beyoncé, just naming a few
Your love never wavers it’s always present and true
What you have done for the community forever will stand
Your power, grace and care let’s our minds expand
So just continue aspiring as you always do
Just know we’ll stay till you see it through
Harriett Tubman a natural leader and freedom key
To Rosa Parks’ heroic stance, your might is surreal to me
Now to Michelle supporting young black girls everywhere
And you keep doing it - hate or love without no fear
Malorie Blackman - books full of passion, hope and crosses...
She keeps writing, telling, preaching despite the Bosses
Telling her to stop, but she won't, she holds on to her only hope
Hanging tight dearly to our freedom rope
You overcome the barriers set by society
Just so your children and their children can be free
Mary Seacole, risked her life for an army
That once rejected her, now that's true history
As a black Nurse in the war she was an anomaly
But wouldn't give up so the whole world can see...
Your intellect, power, love and supreme loyalty
That resonates, inspires, and sets me free
One powerful movement after another which you lead
Words, lessons and stories to our minds that you feed
It’s inspiring that’s despite the struggles you still achieve
Greatness upon greatness - true legends to me
Your constant passion and unwavering drive
Is unmatched and is what leads you to thrive
So never stop dreaming young black girls
Go from schools to Governments, from clams to pearls
Just know your presence resonates and never ends
So, keep on striving so our hope never Bends
And wherever your touching messages reach
Just know for sure that a heart it will teach
Down casted by society but you still stand strong
So, I will shout and shout your praises all day long
My loyal backbone in every time of trouble
Always have saved me from the rubble
Mum, sister, aunties, grandmas, friends I pray the passion you display never ends
No, we will NOT stay silent and watch you be mistreated
I will stand up for you as you have done for me
To my complex lock you are the only key
Black Women stand up... And Dare to Dream