PREC has been engaged in monitoring the educational achievement of BAME groups within our city education system for many years. We have our own Research Officer and have produced a series of formal reports for policy-makers. A speciality of ours is to find out what young people are thinking and saying about issues that matter to them. We simply ask them what they think, collect and analyse their answers, then try and get policy-makers to hear what they are saying.
We made a successful bid to the Near Neighbours programme of the Church Urban Fund, to publish and promote a report on a major study of youth voice in Peterborough. This report has now been completed ready for publication and will be launched publicly in the city when Covid 19 virus limitations permit.
If you are interested in this group you can Email Alison via our moderated inbox
This is a newly forming workgroup, enthusiastically led by Gary Huskisson, who has been a youthworker in the city for many years. If you are interested in this group you can Email him via our moderated inbox Check back here for more information as it arrives.